I am an active stay at home mom of four little girls and a little boy. I am a former marine corps wife and I homeschool my kids. I cook homemade meals for my family everynight of the week as well as many healthy treats! I workout a couple days a week, a variety of lifting, yoga, HIIT.

I used to write this blog with pictures and every day posts but now I just use it as my own personal online recipe book. I always change recipes up when I use one, so this is my place to record those.

I started my health journey as a way to try to heal my oldest’s gut from her nut allergy. Also, my second daughter has cyclic vomiting, and preservatives in foods is her trigger. So we are pretty strict with no preservatives, additives, food dyes, or any foods with artificial OR natural flavorings. We just stay away from anything processed to make that easier.

I have the opportunity to grocery shop often to keep fresh produce in the house and the ability to cook homemade meals on a daily basis. My kids truly are wonderful eaters. I have never made my children a separate kid meal of chicken nuggets or mac n cheese. They eat what my husband and I eat and we all enjoy Indian, Asian, Italian, Moroccan, etc cuisines.

Healthy unprocessed foods make me feel better and I want to be a good role model for my kids.

I don’t think low calorie, low carb, or lowfat is equal to healthy. We try and eat foods that are in the state nature intended them to be. Our meals consist of a variety of whole grains, proteins, fruits, healthy fats, and a heavy emphasis on vegetables. Roast any vegetable and my whole family devours it. I don’t beleive in fad diets or specialized eating styles (unless for allergies, sensitivies, or a healing protocol). I think balance is the only thing that will last a lifetime, at least for my needs.

I love the quote “eat food. not too much. Mostly plants” by Michael Pollan.

13 responses »

    • Is Tobies, La Mirage, and numerous tatoo parlors landmarks in your town? If so, we might live right near each other, haha! The marine corps pilot community seems so small I’m sure we have seen each other or have mutual friends! Fun! It sure is an adventure to say the least!

      • bahaha I used to live right near Tobies! well, by the back gate actually! We lived there for almost a year and now we’re over in New Bern! I’m ALWAYS in J-vegas though so we def should have a lunch date sometime! ❤ A few of my besties live in northern Jax and are all in diff squadrons (i'm so bad with the number game that I dont know which is which! lol!)

        so crazy that we're so close by!

  1. Fun to read more about you! Our daughters sounds a lot alike, we’ve only given her whole foods too and she’s never been picky. I also saw your description of her as spunky and spirited… mine just turned 2, but I can totally relate! 🙂

  2. Linds…my office mate Karen looked at your blog and her first comment?…where did Linds get the pattern for the top of her blog…it looks like the fabric she’d love to sew with!…I agree!

  3. Cute blog! I love how you don’t expose your kids to junk food. When I grew up I had pretty much the same things as the rest of my family. No sugary cereal for breakfast, very little desert, fruits and veggies, healthy grains, and lean protein. Now I don’t even crave these things so what you’re doing is definitely going to help your kids have healthy eating lifestyle once they get older 🙂 Excited to read more of your blog ^^

    • thats great to hear! I struggle sometimes thinking maybe if i never give them those things then they will crave them more when they make their own decisions later on in life, the whole “you want what you cant have” mentality. Great to hear how healthy eating shaped your adult view of food though!

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